Thursday, November 8, 2012

Baby yams...

Had a huge breakfast at a dining hall on campus with BF. Said I was too hungry to eat lunch at work. 10 minutes later:
Yams, grapes, salad (tomatoes cucumbers, lettuce, feta), broccoli, mashed potatoes, chicken with gravy and cranberry jelly! 
I'm a big fat liar! I can't wait for Thanksgiving, I can never get enough of cranberry jelly/jam.

Taking this blogging thing super slow and not pushing myself. Didn't have much to say earlier in the evening but I ended up starting on a small draft post to be posted much later in the future and a larger post that's nearly ready to be posted (I want to edit the post and add pictures). So not terrible then, yes? Right now I'll just try and maintain some kind of presence on this blog to try and make a habit of it while encouraging myself to be more creative in an pressure free way.

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