Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Diva Cup: Updates

11.20.12 - Evening

Tried on the cup during my shower. Good thing you don't have to be on your period to wear this (unlike a tampon), then you can practice how to insert and take it out. My first attempt at insertion failed but after I squatted a bit more in the shower it was fine. I didn't have any issues with the cup not sealing. The cup felt quite comfortable but the stem kept poking at me. I didn't think it would be a big deal but as I was trying to fall asleep it kept bothering me so I decided to just take it out. 

Ouch. It was a bit of a struggle to get it out. More than I had anticipated since inserting the cup was pretty much as hassle free as you can get. I'm definitely going to need to figure out how to break the seal. Trying to pull out the cup while it's still sealed can be a bit painful. Also the cup itself may be a bit too big. If after I cut/trim the stem and learn how to break seal and I'm still experiencing discomfort with removal of the cup...I'll have to try a different brand. Ladycup maybe, it's the smallest cup on the market apparently. 

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