Sunday, November 11, 2012

Weekend Update 11/9 - 11/11

Went to bed super late on Friday night because I was busy playing around with the blog. Since I lost track of time I ended up doing my VirtuaGym workout late and after I finished showering  and got into bed it was 1:45am already. Needless to say I was tired from the week and so even though I woke up at 7am in the morning out of habit I went back to sleep and woke up at 11am. 

And look! My comb completely snapped when I tried to detangle my hair before showering. Oh well, I can't complain that it's too bulky to take with me when I travel now, haha. 
Behold the strength of my hair!

Made a stop at 5Below when I left the house on Saturday. Yoga mats ($5 each - one for me one for BF), Baby powder ($1), dry shampoo ($3), and the cutest Hello Kitty travel toothbrush kit ($4 or $5 I believe. I showed restraint; didn't buy it).

After leaving 5Below I wandered into Ulta (once a beauty addict, always a beauty addict) to just have a look see. As always, beauty stores sucker me in, resulting in spending an inordinate amount of time trying to convince myself to NOT fork over my money for something I could mostly definitely live without. Luckily I have pretty good willpower so I got to enjoy my window shopping/me time. Their clearance section looks kind of amazing right? Too bad you'll have to really dig through everything to find a treasure. Most things that looked halfway decent weren't marked down low enough, saw some polishes marked down to $7.50 from $8.00. Come on now, how is that even considered clearance? Obviously I passed. 

After a much needed binge at Honeypig (for some bulgogi and spicy pork belly )we stopped by Shilla Bakery to sample their carby goodness. The "Glasses Bread" was yummy, sweet and savory, though I would have preferred more savory/cheesy goodness than the sweet shu cream inside. Made the BF 'wear' the 'glasses'. Did not look happy but will save the picture to randomly stare and laugh at him when I'm bored. xD

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