Friday, November 9, 2012

I think I'm gonna try this out...

I've realized I need to keep myself engaged and excited but my fears have been holding me back from just even trying new and exciting. Experiences that could sharpen me intellectually, enrich myself, and diversify my life portfolio.

So here is my list of things that I just need to stop thinking about and making excuses and just DO, in whatever capacity:
The List
  • Writing Specifically, having a blog where I can express myself freely and have the flexibility to write about whatever I want. I wouldn't be opposed to discovering a niche but if that doesn't happen I'll still be very satisfied and happy to be able to go back and read, reflect, and reminisce when I'm old and wrinkly! A bonus benefit is sharpening my writing skills, as they've become quite dull over the past few years. As it so happens I've been taking care to edit this post and I can already see some improvements! Hopefully I'll keep this up!
  • Fitness Luckily, due to genetics I'm fortunate to be slim shaped. But I recently saw a picture of myself and it was like someone finally pushed me through the fog and let me see myself in the bright cleansing light of day. It was clear what roughly 5 years of physical inactivity did to me. I'll spare you the details but let's just say looking at the picture was like a cold slap to the face. But why should I be so surprised and why have I been in denial for so long? My periods of physical activity were few and far between; additionally, they were never sustained beyond 1 month each time. The blame and fault lies with my (lack of) discipline and myself. So to quote Beyonce, "A little sweat ain't never hurt nobody." 
  • Sewing/Tailoring Because our bodies are unique! Why not celebrate it? And what better way to take control of how I feel about how I look than creating things specifically for me? I'm sure we all know by now that ready-to-wear (ie, factory made) clothing is a fairly new concept, and while mass made clothing has it's benefits I just feel so sick of shopping in a mall and not finding things to wear and/or not being able to do anything about it. So it can't hurt to at least try and learn how to do some basic sewing, hemming, and mending. I think I'll start by purchasing a seam ripper. 

Hopefully, trying new things without agonizing over small things will become more natural. In the meantime, I guess I'll just keep beanplating on this blog. It's a step in the right direction and right now that's the best solution for me. 

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