Monday, November 12, 2012

Two skincare staples and an Antique Singer

Just two things I currently can't live or do without:

Kose Softymo Deep Cleansing Oil and HadaLabo Hyaluronic Acid Lotion (there are many name variants, sticking to the simplest one) for $15.00 and $17.32 respectively from Amazon with "Free Super Saver Shipping". I placed an order on Friday night 11/10 and it was delivered today on 11/12. Only two days, awesome~! Great basic items to any skincare routine and they last a long while too. I'm probably overly generous with the lotion and it still lasts me a good 4 months. The cleansing oil could probably last between 3-6 months depending on whether you wear a lot of makeup and if you use it both day and night. I would say I'm a light user (but I also apply this generously) so it can last me about 5 months. 

Sometimes when I'm sick of putting things on my face or just plain run out of moisturizer I just use the HadaLabo Lotion on my face. Even though it's just purely for moisture enhancement (think moisturizing toner) and you're advised to put something that will 'seal' like a cream or actual lotion to finish up your routine. I don't do the 'just lotion/toner only' thing often; only in times of dire need to give my skin a break or my wallet a reprieve. Simple, straightforward, and effective with no unnecessary bells and whistles just to make some 'lable claim'. I definitely approve. 

The oil cleanser is great. Massage it in. Do the eyes last, then rinse off with warm water. Perfect! Sometimes I double cleanse afterwards with a foaming cleanser. Sometimes I don't. 

I wish products like these existed on drugstore shelves here in the US. Although, would I really prefer driving to a drugstore vs having it conveniently delivered in two days? Nah.


Yea, how amazing is that? It's so old and dusty too. Not sure about the exact age, I tried to figure out what model/make/moreinfoingeneral at this link from Singer but no dice? I don't think it's fake but even so, a pretty neat piece of craftsmanship isn't it? I've actually known about this table for about 5 years now (sits in the kitchen with tons of crap on top of it) but I've always just kept it in the back of my mind, saying, "one day..." And really, one day what? When I first opened up the table a few years ago, I tried to get it to work and even pulled it out to set the machine upright but I couldn't figure out how to get it to turn on. I also tried threading it, but again, failed. So I guess it'll still have to wait until someday. 

Printed out a 40% off coupon from Michael's, I may buy a seam ripper from Michael's but only if it's cheaper than the Amazon listed priced for this baby. Baby steps to this whole sewing/tailoring thing. 

Two interviews tomorrow, one on campus (full time for next year) and one phone interview (just for a contract position but temping at this company would still be really great if the match is good). =]

Moved from the 20 minute novice workout on the VirtuaGym app to the beginner's 30 minute workout. Hopefully I'm not imagining it but I feel slightly more taut in my back and torso. I don't look skinnier but I feel a tiny bit of it. It seems either I'm more aware of my body now or my muscles are tightening up because my posture seems to be a lot better too. Win win all around I say. 

And lastly what I had for lunch today, below. Just imagine it in a glasswear bowl and multiple the amount by 1.5 or double it. I'll probably be eating this again for lunch tomorrow since someone (dad) decided to cook up monster sized portions. I probably need to add cooking to the list. Someone (moi) in this family has to start cooking healthier!

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