Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Things Go Down and Up

Up: Got a job offer from a great company in a division with a great program in the position I wanted.
Down: Offer/program does not start until August.

Up: I am getting used to exercising daily and now I don't feel like my day is complete with my trusty Brad Fit (aka VirtuaGym app) leading me through some exercises
Down: Last night the video function on my Samsung G3 stopped working. Wouldn't play any videos on YouTube, DailyYoga, etc. Had to reset the phone this morning cause it drove me crazy. The up is that the video now works and  at least my data was all backed up.

Super happy and excited about my job offer. And the down is really an up because now I can live it the fuck up!!! Yesssss! All things considered my day has been pretty fucking awesome. The title of the post is exactly right. Things can go wrong but there is always an upside! =]

Unfortunately I have no pictures to share today! Which is a shame because on the way back to the parking garage after my interview this morning (no the offer isn't from this company) I saw a little bird just sitting on the sidewalk near some bushes. I think the poor thing was hurt because I could almost touch it and it just blinked at me. =[ I feel kind of bad for not coming back to scoop him up and take him to a vet. I actually REALLY regret that now.

Lots of things to share later this week when I have more time. Because of my interview and the phone interview I had to stay later at work (voluntarily, I wasn't corned or forced into it) to make up hours. So I came home late and now I'm pretty tired. Can't wait, lots of other posts in the works!

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