1. Nivea Creme Tin

I don't know why but if I'm not working I'm usually not using this stuff. Don't get me wrong I really like it and I think it works well but for one reason or another I just prefer using it at work. At .99 cents this is really not a bad deal and I love the cute tin with the adorable kids! I think there are different designs Nivea puts out occasionally too. The scent can be kind of strong and once I had put it on at this place I was temping at, a co-worker walked into my cube (that I shared with another) and asked if someone just put on baby powder sunscreen. Initially the scent did bother me a little but it has grown on me and now I enjoy it. And then a few weeks later the same co-worker walked in and asked what smelled so good. So maybe it takes a few exposures, lol. As you can see the texture is a thick cream so if left somewhere a bit warm it'll soften up. I really like using this stuff on my cuticles and general fingertip area. It may be a bit greasy depending on your preferences but I actually like that I can sit back and give myself a mini massage working the product in.
I know some people may be turned off by the fact that it contains mineral oil (oops forgot to take a pic of the backside with the ingredients listed) but it's not an issue for me. I also don't buy into the mineral oil automatically equaling bad/unsafe/clogging. Skin mileage varies people. I will say that I only use this on my hands. Skin mileage also varies depending on where it is applied.
As you can see I'm running low/out. Time to repurchase and then re-purpose this tin! =]
2. Nivea Express Hydration Daily Lotion
I was running low on my usual lotion that I use to hydrate my skin after washing my hands and I was able to find this little sample in a zippered pocked in my purse. I'm not sure how to describe the scent on this one except that it's less powdery than the Nivea Creme and more floral. It really is kind of like a much lighter version of the Nivea Creme. I actually don't like this and I wouldn't buy the full sized product. For one, it contains denatured alcohol. Sorry but my hands are already parched after washing them why would I risk further drying them out? Now earlier I said skin mileage varies and for me, having this ingredient so far up the list is a no. It says the lotion softens and absorbs quickly and I'm betting that's what the alcohol does. Still, I'm just not impressed with this product, especially since it's retailing for about $6-8 dollars depending on the stores.
I am willing to use this at work and only because I don't want to be wasteful. But as soon as it's done I'll happily recycle the bottle.
3. Vaseline Intense Moisture Conditioning
First off, let me say that lotion came with the purchase of two pump bottles of Vaseline lotion (forget which variety, but basically I like 'em all) at Costco. It seems to retail (not sure) for around $3 at most drugstores. This particular variation of the Vaseline lotion line seems to moisturize very well. But, if your skin is prone to drying out, as in you need something to seal it off, this won't cut it. I like the the Intensive Rescue Repairing Moisture and/or their Coco Butter lotion for better all in one use and for the winter. Also if your skin is really super dry they have a clinical version which I sampled before and was also really good. Bottom line, I like the Vaseline lotion line because they have high quality products at an affordable price point (and in different sized bottles) for a variety of skincare needs. No I don't work for them but hey Vaseline you can send me some free stuff any time!
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. I pretty much always keep a Vaseline lotion of some sort at my desk. I top off with Nivea Creme on drier hand days and/or on days where there's a ton of paperwork and filing to be done.
4. Oil Blotters
Ok, technically, I keep these in my cosmetics pouch (I keep two, and no that's not excessive and day I'll show you why!) and not on my desk. But wow, do you see that? Most days I use one after lunch to blot off excess oil. I try to avoid this as much as possible by taking care of my face and trying not to over dry my skin (which I think is much worse than oily skin). Sometimes though, it's unavoidable as my skin looks like it's glistening and then I have a meeting to go to at 2 where it would be preferably if my shiny forehead was not the beacon of attention.
It's so cool to see a the blue square just turn completely transparent. By the way, the material is not made out of paper and it soaks up soo much more than traditional oil blotter paper sheets. I get these as a 'free gift' from buying my Nexcare acne patch stickers (awesome shit! deserves a post on it's own but need to wait for a killer whitehead to do so) from a seller based in Hong Kong. So I don't how much it costs and I even threw away the first pack! Talk about being wasteful. Anyway, I really appreciate these little gifts now and hopefully I won't run out soon.
I keep very little on my desk as you can see. The three items above I usually just keep and leave on my desk. While the last item and other cosmetic items I keep in my pouch/purse and take home with me.